The man who cares about animals

There once was a man who loved animals, such as he had no family he dedicated his life to animals, for it was his only companion beside them he was happy.

He said:

- I do not know to protect yourself.

Really these animals were treated with great care, they fed in the morning and at night, they had houses, all very clean and comfortable done by him. Call the animals and came running toward him, he told the Bob:

- Barks to Dad.

He barked and rolled on the ground partying. He was a man who always talked to their pets.

A black dog that someone left at his door, sick and nearly dead was also very well maintained. The animal was sleeping on the man's room because it was easier for him to bottle-feed the animal. Was always in her lap, biting his ears, he gave kisses, everything was a joke. He gave lots of laughs.

There the animals were happy and this man could not live without them. It was beautiful to see so many animals together and friends. The animals recognized him for what he was, acted with skill and dexterity. The animals protected him and was sad approached to give warmth and comfort.

They capture the feelings and make part of life. It has the same wavelength. This man was a man fulfilled and happy.

The man who cares about animals

Tradução para o português

O homem que se importa com os animais

Era uma vez um homem que gostava muito de animais, como não tinha parentes dedicava sua vida aos bichos, pois era sua única companhia, ao lado deles se sentia feliz.


-Não sabem se proteger...

Realmente aqueles animais eram tratados com muito carinho, se alimentavam de manhã e à noite, tinham casinhas, todas muito limpas e confortáveis feitas por ele. Chama os animais e vinham correndo ao seu encontro, dizia para o Bob:

- Late para o papai.

Ele latia e rolava no chão fazendo festa. Era um homem que sempre conversava com seus bichos.

Um cachorro preto que alguém abandonou em sua porta, doente e quase morto foi também muito bem cuidado. O animal dormia no quarto do homem, pois ficava mais fácil para ele dar mamadeira ao bicho. Ficava sempre no colo, mordia suas orelhas, dava beijinhos, tudo era brincadeira. Dava muitas risadas.

Ali os animais eram felizes e este homem não conseguia viver sem eles. Era lindo ver tantos animais juntos e amigos. Os bichos o reconheciam pelo o que ele era, agiam com habilidades e destreza. Os animais o protegiam e se estivesse triste se aproximavam para dar carinho e conforto.

Eles captam os sentimentos e fazem parte da vida. Tem a mesma sintonia. Este homem era um homem realizado e feliz.
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